FORMA was founded in 2017 out of a desire to offer world-class companies and clients collaborations targeted to individual needs, bringing together the experience and expertise of the founders. The studio works in the field of design and interior design, up to the drafting of contract executives and custom-made furniture.
Using external collaborations and interfacing directly with the customer we are able to offer advice in all phases of the project: from the idea to the survey, from design to the choice of materials and finishes suitable for the project, so as to meet all requests and realize exclusive, customized and tailored solutions with quality products. A team that is always up to the task and prepared to respond to even the most special needs is the greatest strength of Forma.

Thousands, millions of individuals work, produce and save despite everything we can invent to harass them, jam them, discourage them. It is the natural vocation that drives them; not just the thirst for profit. The taste, the pride of seeing one's own company prosper, buy credit, inspire confidence in ever larger clients, expand facilities, constitute a spring of progress just as powerful as profit. If this were not the case, it would not be explained how there are entrepreneurs in their company who put all their energy and invest all their capital in order to withdraw profits that are often much more modest than those that they could surely and comfortably obtain with other jobs.



You can find us by calling 031 6123223 or by e-mail by writing to


Come see us in Brianza. We are at Cantù 7 Dante Street.